Begav ju mig till ip där jag mötte upp Elin, Emmely och Lovisa sen kom det några grabbar också. Hel kall kväll men otroligt mysig! Sen åkte jag och Lovisa till Ristarps, blev bjudna på havskräftor och åt äpplekaka och vaniljglass. Nu är vi på hemmaplan och tänkte sova! Alltid lika mysigt att ha Lovisa brevid en! Godnatt ♥
"Seems like they won't ever let each other go,
Laughing and kissing it's a match made in heaven
Behind the rings on their fingers
Imprints the ink deep in the inner
That has stained their souls together now
Stained soul mates forever now
Seems like they've made it to the other side where the grass is greener
And the sky is always blue
And it goes on forever and ever but there is only room for two
Deep at night I'm awakened from my dreams,
Next door, yelling cries mercy she is begging please
"Don't end my life you're all I need and darling I will never leave"
And then she prayed on her knees, she said"
Laughing and kissing it's a match made in heaven
Behind the rings on their fingers
Imprints the ink deep in the inner
That has stained their souls together now
Stained soul mates forever now
Seems like they've made it to the other side where the grass is greener
And the sky is always blue
And it goes on forever and ever but there is only room for two
Deep at night I'm awakened from my dreams,
Next door, yelling cries mercy she is begging please
"Don't end my life you're all I need and darling I will never leave"
And then she prayed on her knees, she said"